THE BREAD BASKET is a non-profit organization begun in 1991 that receives the donations of local vendors and volunteers and serves local residents a warm, nutritious meal.
CHRISTIANS UNITED OUTREACH CENTER (CUOC) operates a food pantry and thrift store, among other programs. Trinity regularly collects food for the food pantry, and our members have done other volunteer work for CUOC as well.
HAVEN IN LEE COUNTY is a non-profit agency created in 1984 to provide safety and support for those victimized by domestic and sexual violence in or outside their homes and to educate the community about the issues of family violence and sexual assault. HAVEN (Helping Abuse & Violence End Now) provides an array of services, which include emergency shelter, crisis intervention, and community education. In addition, HAVEN provides primary prevention services to Lee County to stop first-time perpetration and victimization.
THE HELPING HAND CLINIC seeks to provide compassionate and competent medical, dental, vision and pharmaceutical services to low-income Lee County residents who have no medical insurance.
HIGHWAY TO HEALING is a free transportation service for Lee County cancer patients. Dedicated volunteers drive patients to their needed therapy and give some relief to their families.
INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK (IHN) is a program of Family Promise of Lee County, Inc., which assists homeless families in Lee County. Trinity has been an IHN host congregation since the beginning of the local program in late 2011. In partnership with other local congregations, we provide housing and meals for homeless families for one week at a time, four times a year. Many Trinity members volunteer for Family Promise week: we prepare and serve meals, set up Sunday school rooms as temporary bedrooms, provide after-dinner activities and homework help, and spend the night at the church with our guests. Trinity’s participation in IHN has been extremely meaningful to our congregation, and we are glad to have the opportunity to serve our guest families.
WILLING HANDS is the umbrella organization for the No Scare Fair (Halloween), Holiday Sox (Annual Holiday Luncheon), and Common Thread (weaving). All proceeds benefit charities in Lee County.